“Redwood Empire Food Bank serves over 82,000 children, seniors, and adults in Sonoma County each year. With your Pedal for Protein donations, Redwood Empire Food Bank is able to purchase high quality, healthy protein items such as chicken, tuna, and milk to provide to individuals who do not have means to purchase these items on their own. We are grateful for your continued support.” David Goodman, Redwood Empire Food Bank Chief Executive Office.
By clicking the donate button, you will be re-directed to EnMotive, Pedal for Protein's online event registration & fundraising vendor.

If you would prefer to mail your donation, they are accepted anytime! You can easily mail your check, payable to the Redwoods Presbytery, to the Presbytery office at 1226 A Salvador Ave, Napa, California 94558. To make sure that it is directed as you wish, please put Pedal for Protein on the memo line along with the names/initials of the specific church or rider you wish to sponsor.
If you are a rider, once registered, it is easy to create your own fundraising page.
All donations feed the hungry through local food banks with protein food and support food justice programs. Ride overhead costs are covered by registration fees so all donations go to providing protein food for hungry people.
Your participation will help food pantries along the Northern Coast and Valleys of California to provide protein rich food such as peanut butter, canned tuna, chicken, yogurt and eggs to hungry families, seniors, homeless persons and children. All funds raised will be donated through Northern California Food Banks and a selected international hunger project.
Thank you for helping us help others!